I'm known for my cooking skills. Not in a good way. By the grace of some higher power, possibly spatula wielding cooking fairies, I've actually had a taste of success in my culinary feats as of late. This is the spot where I will document my successful endeavors in that room with the oven and spoons and stuff...because let's be honest, if I can make it anyone can...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Healthifying Tacos
1 lb lean ground turkey
1 package of taco seasoning
1/2 red bell pepper (should have used the whole thing)
1 small (really small. Like, was maybe a shallot) yellow onion
3 giant handfuls of spinach
Swirl some olive oil in a pan (I used my electric skillet). On med heat, cook the onions and peppers until onions are translucent. Add about a quarter cup of water, then the turkey. Sprinkle the taco mix on top of it (to make it even healthier, use less mix). When the turkey is almost done, toss in your spinach. Remember that it cooks down a LOT and cooks really fast. Spinach and broccoli and other "tough" greens are actually better for you when they're cooked, so eat up!
I served on "handmade" tortillas with soy cheese.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lentil Salad
1 pound (about 3 cups) dried lentils. This recipe works best with whole light brown lentils. (I went to Whole Foods so that I could get these in the bulk section. They only had green lentils. Meh, worked out ok)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 scallions, sliced in fine rounded pieces. This means little circles, my little geniuses.
4 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon black pepper… freshly ground for overachievers
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup well packed minced parsley
- Put the lentils and about 5 1/2 cups of water in a 4 quart pot with the cumin and about half the salt.
- Bring everything to a boil, then cover and simmer gently for about 25 minutes (mine took a little longer, probably because I used the wrong kind of lentils). Remove the cover, make sure that most of the water has boiled off (eh...also a lot of water left over. Also probably due to the wrong lentils), and that the lentils are softened (key!). Remove them from heat and set aside.
- In a small bowl, combine the remaining salt, lemon juice, black pepper, olive oil, parsley and scallions.
- One the lentils are lukewarm, pour the mixture in #3 over them and SLOWLY combine everything. If you stir to vigorously, you risk end up with a delicious, yet unappetizing mushy mess.
- Feel free to improvise by adding split cherry tomatoes, finely diced celery, or shredded carrot.
- You can serve immediately OR refrigerate for for several hours before serving. It really depends on whether you want to use it as a salad or a side dish. If you serve it as a salad, you can serve it over a bed of California greens or baby spinach.